Last week it was outlandish for many who saw their worst in Chennai with continuous pouring of the rain and the unknowingly rise of the water levels in their area where they lived for many years with acute shortage of waters.  As they were trapped and stranded, many around them from a safer zone, heard their dirge and cry, gauged their discomfort and sufferings, set back and tried to do their bits to relieve them from anguish. 

Nature was on track to show its consequences and decided to slap its outbreak. And also to put its finest creation on test.  All of sudden, many from the neighboring districts sensed their responsibilities,  stood firmly, gathered some guts,  looked out for some like minded friends and people,  planned a vehicle, accumulated foods, cloths and medicine and surged towards water logged low area of greater Chennai to help and relieve the stuck ones indiscriminately; fully aware of hardships and prejudice on their way.  Soon Chennai saw a breed of volunteers who were ready to work with any agencies; with soul aim to rescue and relieve.  Maybe He may have smiled comfortably seeing the finest attributes of mankind on demo.  He knows his creations better.

Then we heard the most unbelievable stories and anecdotes of humanity, we saw the emergence of selfless, nameless and faceless heroes of rescue teams. We have Younus, the nurse, the boat man,  the hungry boy - who passed his booty to another one, and the  mosques - offering shelters to the victims and shifting prayers to the road.
Social media,  news agencies and authorities had a thousand stories of bravery, humanity and swift actions of volunteers and in return, we heard many first hand tales of sufferings from the volunteers which may melt away a stone-hard heart simply. 
Meanwhile, we came to know about the loot of relief materials by the miscreants. Saw the greyer shades of some auto drivers who demanded sky for a ride and the hoteliers who charged fortunes for a shelter,  the exorbitant excesses of the upcoming politicians who enjoyed sticking their logo on someone else work and the some from the victims who sold their achieved  extra packets of food for a prize.  The black dot on mankind is the theory of synthetic breach of Chammerapakkam lake.
Now another round of devastation is being expected, we have to ask for His mercy and be well prepared for the worst.  
Devoted to : Nouman, Adnan, Salman, Tanveer, Mushahid, Sulaim,  Majeed, Aqeel and Aslam Basha and many more who took Chennai on their hands  with care.

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