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The Reborn Legacy : Masjid e Qapldeem, Muslimpur

In the heart of time's embrace stands a mosque steeped in history—a testament to faith that spans a couple of centuries. Once weathered by age and wear, its hallowed walls witnessed eras pass, whispering tales of devotion and resilience. But as time weaved its tapestry, a new chapter unfurled. The echoes of the old were respectfully laid to rest, paving way for a new edifice—a symphony of architectural marvels and boundless spaces, meticulously crafted to cradle congregations in prayer and unity. Nestled amidst this sacred haven lies a tranquility that transcends. Adjacent, a quiet graveyard, an ode to bygone souls, embraced by the embrace of centuries-old trees that stand sentinel, their wisdom interwoven with the fabric of time. As daylight surrenders to the night, an enchanting transformation unfolds. Fragrances of blossoms dance in the air, a delicate orchestra composing an ethereal aura—a surreal yet serene cloak that enwraps this sanctum, transforming it into an otherworldly
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Many gems destined for eternity in this age of pandemic, living their footprints on the sands of time, to follow and to get inspired. Particularly, last 10 days were really horrible. The tolls were unbearable and nondescript. We have to witness and we have to pass through this. This is the Plan and that is the Fate.  Tanveer, the young motivator, perhaps known nationally for his speech and writings, was just out of his college, eyes with dreams and mind with plans and hope to do something good for the Ummah and own self, when we formed this group.  We were in our middles and he was in his start, full of energy and zeal, still both were existing in the same wavelength.   A enthusiastic learner, never miss an opportunity to learn. His Facebook wall is full of his learning, interactions and findings.  A great fan of Nature,  and saw this world in a different perspective. A good-hearted motivator who was too willing to assist you in reaching your goals and fulfilling your dreams. He found

U P R I S I N G ?

A silent revolution is taking place under my nose in my house, in every household perhaps, on par with the women of Shaheen Bagh who are on the road and being vocal to save the constitution. She didn't go to the road, she didn't tweet, she didn't raise her voice "azadi, azadi", she didn't draw the kolum on the street.....She didn't take part in Shaheen Bagh in the coldest. Still she is one part of the protest and actively participated in her own capacity. She enquired and wanted to know about atrocities of UP police and opined about the storming of police in jnu library and the attack by the masked goons.  She needs an update on the arrest of Davinder Singh and the significance of 19th Jan. In her conversation, Hindi words like virodh, satta, samvidhan, mahila,and andolan are becoming frequent and fluent involuntarily, perhaps to the amusement of Amit Sha. In spite of her little knowledge, Kaniaya Kumar, Savarkar, Raveesh Kumar, Godse, Faiz, Malviya are no


A cool daybreak with soothing breeze,  a sudden shower with the peculiar smell of dirt and mud,  a blazing and warm sunlight in a cold winter,  a prevailing silence breached frequently by the tweets and chirps in a lonely terrace,  and a blue sky patched with snowy clouds of different sizes and shapes are enough to make my day....  And yes that prolonged protest at Shaheen Bagh by harmless but determined feminine,  that just rejuvenates me no bound and the levitating 24x7 apprehension just vanishes at least for some time.... And the larger peaceful crowd A disposable tea cup carelessly hurled in the middle of work area,  a retort sandwiched with disrespect and battering,  the used and torn carry bags speckled in the road side grown Mysore Thorn shrubs in the highways,  a bench of dirty well fed snarling dogs in a deserted street,  the seated young spoiled brats ignoring a standing young pregnant woman  in a crow ded bus are some who have the potential to devastate my day.... Yes.... Th

Election in IBHSS

A whole day spent so well in the premises of IBHSS for a meaningfull cause. Inspite of a hot day,  the turnouts of the honourables and intellectuals in the different age groups were amazing and assuring.  The tall historic one floored edifice of IBHSS continued to support and accommodate the yearly communion of the members who were on a lookout for suitable teams and top brass of the VME society for a period of another three year.  The corridors and classes were too glad to welcome their old students who are now a part of upper crust of Vaniyambadi. The  occasional and civilized commotion on the entry of rare members were envious and their interest and zeal were equally astonishing who returned back to their roots once in a while. Surely a long day of June under the hotter sun.  As the sun started to set behind the  humble building of the society,  the process of voting came to a peaceful end.  The aspirants and participants relieved a little only to face ahead the turbulence  of the o

Teachers Day

Happy Teachers Day First google with its animated gif, what you call, doodle maybe? And secondly Gulzar Ahmed's post with beautiful and selective quotes of the eminent regarding the noble profession, reminded me that today is teacher's day - September 5, birth day of Dr Radhakrishnan, first vice president and second president of the country, taught at Madras Presidency College. When his students wanted to celebrate his birth day, he expressed his desire to celebrate it as teachers day, a way, a chance to pay tributes to a sect who works and thinks for the success of all the children unlike the parents who works only for the welfare of their own children. Individually, if you see in the life of a man, teachers are the direct link and reason after the parents for his success and uplifts. A successful man must acknowledge his teachers if he has even some sense of gratitude.  For Mustafa Kamal Atatürk finds that a good teacher consumes himself like a candle to light the way fo